Singing Guide: White Town

Singing Guide: White Town

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

White Town is an English musical project known for its smash hit song, "Your Woman". The man behind White Town is Jyoti Prakash Mishra who recorded the song in his bedroom. Its unconventional sound was created through minimalist production, lo-fi aesthetics, and combination of samples from Al Bowlly's "My Woman" and "James Bond Theme". Mishra's voice, with its androgynous quality, feels like the icing on the cake.

To learn how to sing like White Town, there are several things to consider. Firstly, pitch accuracy is essential in this style. Mishra uses his voice in a relatively low register, but he's always on pitch. Therefore, you need to hit the right notes accurately. You can use the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test to assess your pitch accuracy.

In addition, sing with a clear pronunciation. White Town's unique vocal timbre is achieved through clean and distinct diction. Articulation exercises can help you achieve this. Check out the Singing Carrots articulation article for more tips.

Another essential aspect of the White Town style is breath support. Mishra employs healthy breathing techniques to maintain control over his voice, which helps him to achieve a consistent tone. Read the Singing Carrots article on breath support to learn more about this.

Last but not least, you can improve your singing by experimenting with different voice registers. White Town often dips into falsetto and mix voice, which can add variety to your singing. Singing Carrots voice register articleis an excellent reference material.

To sing a song like "Your Woman," you need to practice the specific style. Singing Carrots pitch training module could help you train your singing voice and improve your pitch accuracy. You can also use the vocal pitch monitor to track the notes you sing, both for this song and other pieces you might work on.

In conclusion, by practicing pitch accuracy, clear pronunciation, breath support, and experimenting with different voice registers, you can learn to sing like White Town. However, to achieve a unique tone in your singing, find your authentic voice, and experiment with contemporary vocal techniques. Also, do not forget to embrace the lo-fi musical spirit of White Town.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.